
Friday, August 31, 2012

InGen Town

Sorry for taking so long to post again.  I have been busy at work and spent a lot of time just resting and not doing much.  I'm now the shift Associate Sponsor and have just been made full time and I've spent the last month training new hires.

However I did take a break from working on my Isla Nublar project to refocus on the InGen Town project.  Here's some progress screens from what I've done recently:

And here's some images from earlier in the year, from an earlier build of the level:

And here's some screens from an extremely early version made a couple of years ago.  This version wasn't finished but was released in my release thread on TresCom:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My Models - Jurassic Park Gates

What do they got in there?  King Kong?
Probably about as iconic as the cars themselves, the gates of Jurassic Park are probably the most replicated structure in the entire movie.  All the parks recreate them and they are often one of the first things modeled in various modding projects.

This is the second model of the gates I have done.. The first one was done in 2006 when I rebooted Jurassic Park the Mod as Jurassic Park Oblivion.  This second one was done in 2009.  It's still incomplete as it doesn't have the override switch or the animated flames, but it won't be too difficult to finish.  It'll be released in its finished state when I release hppav test version 2.